The Oceans Conference is a major forum for scientists, engineers and end-users throughout the world for presenting the latest research results, ideas, developments and applications in all areas of Oceanic Engineering systems. This conference, on the theme "Today's technology for a sustainable future", will provide a review of recent technical advances in oceanic engineering, science and technology.
The Technical Program Committee of Oceans'05 Europe is calling for contributions for scientific and technical papers.
All accommodations will be subject to a supervision by our travel agency VEB (Voyage en Bretagne). We advise you to book early as the hotel space will be limited at this time of the year.
The Conference registration is now open. The registration will be handled directly by the Conference Center "Le Quartz" using their on-line facility. Secure payment is available.
The Advance Program is now available.
The Provisional Technical Program is on-line on this Website.
The Final Program is ready. The CD Proceedings will be ready by early June.
The conference was a great success. Thank you to all of you. See you on the forum. |